The stream is deep here.Continue reading “Deep Stream”
Poems: Deep Stream
There are times when one of looks back and explores the meaning of events or circumstances as a kind of lineage. A number of these poems form the basis of Hear the Crows’ Wings, a play co-written with Vincenzo Sestito.
My Mother’s Cousins
They turned grayContinue reading “My Mother’s Cousins”
Recipe Box
He loved his power in our small world,Continue reading “Lesson”
Letter from Washington to a Toronto Artist
(for Annabel Weinstein)
The static of a short-waveContinue reading “Letter from Washington to a Toronto Artist”
The static of a short-waveContinue reading “Letter from Washington to a Toronto Artist”
Child’s Fever, 3 A.M.
Fatigue drapes her likeContinue reading “Child’s Fever, 3 A.M.”
For Pete Seeger, After Forty Years
I watched how a reed-thin,
Country Visit
Wooded paths go nowhere,Continue reading “Country Visit”
We Move Through Our Lives
We move through our lives,Continue reading “We Move Through Our Lives”
Morning Fire
He lays the runes of log and stick.Continue reading “Morning Fire”